Aardvark |
Aardwolf |
African Lion |
African Painted Dog |
African Penguin |
African Pygmy Falcon |
Alligator Gar |
Alligator Snapping Turtle |
Alpaca |
American Alligator |
American Burying Beetle |
American Crocodile |
Andean Condor |
Angolan Colobus Monkey |
Antilles Treespider |
Armadillo Lizard |
Aruba Island Rattlesnake |
Asian Elephant |
Atlantic Puffin |
Aye-Aye |
Azureus Cichlid |
Baja Whipspider |
Bald Eagle |
Bali Myna |
Bat Cave Cockroach |
Bat-eared Fox |
Bearcat (Binturong) |
Black-and-White Colobus Monkey |
Black-Breasted Leaf Turtle |
Black-Footed Cat |
Black Howler Monkey |
Black Rat Snake |
Black Rhinoceros |
Blue and Gold Macaws |
Blue-Crowned Laughing Thrush |
Blue-Crowned Motmot |
Blue Death Feigning Beetle |
Blue-Throated Macaw |
Blue Tree Monitor |
Boa Constrictor |
Boat-Billed Heron |
Bonobo |
Brazilian Porcupine |
Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater |
Brazilian White-Knee Tarantula |
Brown Recluse Spider |
Buff-Cheeked Gibbon |
Buff-Crested Bustard |
Burmese Brown Mountain Tortoise |
Burmese Python |
Cape Barron Goose |
Cave Whip Spider |
Cheetah |
Chinese Alligator |
Chinese Crocodile Lizard |
Chuckwalla |
Clouded Leopard |
Common Cooter |
Common Eider |
Coquerel's Sifaka |
Corn Snake |
Cougar |
Crested Guineafowl |
Desert Rainworm |
Domino Roach |
Dragon-Headed Katydid |
Dumeril's Ground Boa |
Dyeing Poison Dart Frog |
Eastern Bongo |
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake |
Eastern Lubber Grasshopper |
Emerald Beetle |
Emerald Tree Boa |
Emperor Scorpion |
Fennec Fox |
Fire-Bellied Newt |
Fishing Cat |
Florida Manatee |
Florida Pine Snake |
Free Flight Aviary |
Galápagos Tortoise |
Garnett's Galago (Greater Bushbaby) |
Giant African Millipede |
Giant Fruit Bat (Indian Flying Fox) |
Giant Jumping Stick |
Giant Spiny Leaf Insect |
Giant Walking Stick |
Giant Water Bug |
Greater Flamingo |
Green and Black Poison Dart Frog |
Green Basilisk |
Green Tree Monitor |
Grey Crowned Crane |
Grey Fox |
Guam Rail |
Hamerkop |
Hellbender |
Hippopotamus |
Hissing Cockroach |
Horned Puffin |
Inca Tern |
Indian Star Tortoise |
Indochinese Spitting Cobra |
Juno the Two-toed Sloth |
Kangaroo 9am-5pm |
Kea |
King Cobra |
King Penguin |
Komodo Dragon |
Lappet-Faced Vulture |
Large-Spotted Genet |
Laughing Kookaburra |
Leaf-Cutting Ant |
Lesser and Greater Flamingos |
Lesser Kudu |
Little Blue Penguin |
Llama |
Longnose Gar |
Madagascar Giant Day Gecko |
Magellanic Penguin |
Magnificent Flower Beetle |
Magpie Goose |
Malayan Tiger |
Marbled Crayfish |
Masai Giraffe |
Masked Lapwing |
Matamata |
Meerkat |
Mexican Wolf |
Mini-Juliana Pig |
Mosquitofish |
Mueller’s Gibbon |
Naked Mole-Rat |
Nicobar pigeon |
Nigerian Dwarf Goat |
North American River Otter |
Nubian Goat |
Ocelot |
Okapi |
Ornate Horned Frog |
Ostrich |
Pallas’s Cat |
Pancake Tortoise |
Pascagoula Map Turtle |
Peppered Roach |
Peruvian Firestick |
Pigeon Guillemot |
Pink-backed Pelican |
Plains Zebra |
Poison Dart Frog |
Potto |
Quince Monitor |
Radiated Tortoise |
Rainbow Boa |
Red and Yellow Barbet |
Red-Capped Cardinal |
Red-Crowned Crane |
Red-Eared Slider |
Red-Eyed Assassin Bug |
Red-footed Tortoise |
Red-kneed Tarantula |
Red-Lined Darkling Beetle |
Red Panda |
Red River Hog |
Rhinoceros Hornbill |
Rhinoceros Katydid |
Ringtail |
Ring-Tailed Lemur |
Rough Green Snake |
Ruppell’s Griffon Vulture |
Saddle-Billed Stork |
Sand Cat |
Scarlet Ibis |
Serval |
Siamang |
Smew |
Southern Brazilian Ocelot |
Southern Copperhead |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin |
Southern Tamandua |
Steller’s Sea Eagle |
Sumatran Orangutan |
Sunbittern |
Sunburst Diving Beetle |
Tawny Frogmouth |
Taxi-Cab Beetle |
Texas Bullet Ant |
Thick-Billed Parrot |
Thorny Devil |
Timber Rattlesnake |
Titicaca Water Frog |
Trumpeter Swan |
Two-toed Amphiuma |
Two-toed Sloth |
Vampire Bat |
Victoria Crowned Pigeon |
Visayan Warty Pig |
Water Scorpion |
Water Strider |
Western Gaboon Viper |
Western Lowland Gorilla |
White-Cheeked Bulbul |
White-Eyed Assassin Bug |
White-Faced Saki |
White-Handed Gibbon |
White-Naped Pheasant Pigeon |
White-throated Monitor |
Wood Duck |
Yellow Banded Poison Dart Frog |
Yellow-Bellied Beetle |
Yellow Rat Snake |
Yellow-Rumped Cacique |
Zebra Bug |