Pollinator Garden

Photo of Pollinator Garden

This garden features a number of plants that are popular with pollinators. It is especially active in late summer.

Why Plant for Pollinators? As you can see, pollinator gardens are dynamic and beautiful and do much to beautify our landscapes and communities. They are also the single most effective and easy way for people to do real conservation. Because of habitat loss, over-use of pesticides, and other factors, pollinator numbers are down, and this should be a concern for all of us. Not only are the pollination services of insects responsible for a large percentage of the food we and wildlife depend on, but many pollinators are vital for maintaining ecological balance by controlling pest insect populations. Starting, growing, or expanding a pollinator garden is a win-win-win!

Register Your Pollinator Garden with Our Plant for Pollinator Challenge! Make your pollinator garden count! Registered gardens will be added to our count of approximately 2400 already registered pollinator gardens, will be marked on our pollinator garden map and have their square footage tallied. Register your garden today at: https://cincinnatizoo.org/horticulture/plant-for-pollinators/